• Last modified 8010 days ago (March 6, 2003)
  • Return to Checkerboard

You've got a bargain with CB

Many 99'ers don't realize that the Checkerboard is a bargain. Some write to complain, and the OE enjoys hearing from them. But, often, they don't understand the bargain they have.

The OE has been putting out the division newspaper for about 30 years. The original agreement was to publish four a year. Most division associations have four a year. The 99th often gives you five and sometimes six.

A few give more. The 2nd Inf. Div. is monthly. But most of the good/big ones are quarterly and do a good job of it — 25th Infantry, First Infantry, 78th Infantry and others. They do an outstanding job.

The 99th also brings you a full roster each and every year, sometimes by ZIP code, sometimes alphabetical, and sometimes by unit.

This is the first issue for 2003 and we promise to bring you three more — maybe four or five. It all depends on how the OE is holding up physically. We all understand that consideration.

See you in Norfolk. You realize that the Norfolk Convention promises to be "special." Prices of rooms will be lower and opportunity for entertainment will be great. If you have looked forward to a great convention, attend at Norfolk and ask your friends. The 99th is attempting to make the conventions lower-priced and appeal to more veterans and their families. Norfolk is the one you won't want to miss.

