• Last modified 6470 days ago (June 7, 2007)
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You could count on Meyer

I am writing in regard to Bill Meyer and myself. I received my training beginning at Fort Sill OK, in the summer of 1942. It was hot.

As a civilian in a local trucking business, we didn't have loaders or dump trucks and we shoveled everything both ways. What I'm saying is, I was not a softy. I was pretty able to handle what was handed out.

The rough training was more than I like but I was able to handle it. I got some artillery training and graduated from motor school then was shipped to Camp Van Dorn MS. On cadre, we had more tough training. We were the beginning of the 99th Infantry Division. More tough training.

In the summer of 1944, rumors were flying high of a cadre going out. These rumors came to a screeching halt as we got orders to pack up and prepare to move to a combat zone. That meant pack our metal tools in cosmoline and secure them in place.

I was working at it when 1st Sgt. Blair brought this very young man to me. "Do you need some help?" he asked. My thoughts were, "What can this kid do?"

After a short time I took a liking to "Otto" as we knew him then. He was a very fast learner. You could show him or tell him one time, then he had it.

Another very good friend was John Cummings. He was with us from the beginning of training. As you know, organizations like the 99th don't just happen. Someone has to put a lot of time and money in it. John wrote hundreds of letters and that is what got me started in the association.

My wife, Holly and I took the bus to our first meeting in Chicago. I was looking at the register to see who might have come in and I saw the name "Bill Meyer." The only Meyer I knew was Otto. From behind me, I heard someone say, "I see Sgt. R.O. Miller is here." I turned around and there was Bill.

From getting equipment tools ready for shipment overseas, through the war, and reunions, Bill and I have been very close friends.

When I was young, there was a saying, "Don't send a boy to do a man's job." Bill erased that from my mind. I never saw at anytime that Bill didn't hold up his end of the load.

Bob Miller

601 155 Ave. W.

Milan IL 61264
