• Last modified 6914 days ago (March 8, 2006)
  • Return to Checkerboard

Williams plans to be at Little Rock

Enclosed is my check for renewing the Checkerboard.

My plans are to be in Little Rock AR for the convention in July but as I have a daughter living there, I will not be in need of hotel registration.

I am the widow of John C. Williams, who was with the 99th Division in the Battle of the Bulge. We always wanted and hoped to make a trip back there but due to circumstances we were never able to do so.

However, we were able to attend the 25th anniversary convention in Pittsburgh PA, which we enjoyed.

John was in Hq. Co. 3 Bn. 393rd Infantry and we did not find any of his buddies at that convention. Perhaps there will be someone at Little Rock whom he knew.

John has been deceased 10 years now but I have pictures of several of his buddies. He was wounded during the Battle of the Bulge and again later and sent to Paris to a hospital. He returned to the outfit, crossed the bridge at Remagen, and was near the Danube I think, on VE-Day.

I hope to find someone at Little Rock in July who served in his company, although I know my chances are not very good at this late date.

Eloise Williams

Harrison AR
