Son searches for father's Q/395 buddies years ago
My father was Sgt. Ward L. Hinkle and served in Hq/395. He died in 1985. Unfortunately I never learned much about his experiences in the war.
I would like to hear from anyone who knew him. Also if anyone knows of a written account of the experiences of Hq/395 or of a written account of any individual who served in it, I would like to hear from them.
My father had a German flag which had been signed by a bunch of guys. Some of the names I recognize and I assume that all of them served with him.
Those names are: Bill Appelrouth, New York; Eddie Hennig, Milwaukee; Bob Sorensen, Muskegon, Mich.; Maurice Dickman, Covington KY; Tim Duggan, Sedan KS; Bill Hupp, Indianapolis; Tom Frisby, Akron OH; W.Vs. Mezis, Philadelphia PA.
Forrest Hill, Louis IL; Harry Caplan, New York NY; Lou Magiero, Philadelphia; Henry Baele, South Bend IN; Ike Bivings, Donalsonville GA; S.L. Johnson, Jacksonville FL; Dar You Chang, Honolulu; H.A. Gallant, Hudson MI.
Jack Morrow, Prospect PA; Bernard Hessling, Henesdale PA; Roy Compton, Front Royal VA; Willis Smith, Lagrange GA; Chuck Vahldick, Chicago IL; R.C. Barratt, Milwaukee; Leonard Scott, West Palm Beach FL; Allen Long, Oshkosh WI.
John Britain, Elmdale KS; Joe Ryan, Dushoke PA; W.J. Travis, Pittsburgh PA; W. Kuzel, Detroit MI; R.J. Schnader, Parkesburg PA; Paul Bell, Wilson NC; Ronald Holstein, Dunban WV; Furney Brittain, Dover NC.
Joe Cooper, Eoria KY; Ralph Semor, Boston MA; Gerald Clepper, Boiling Springs PA; Gilbert Holtel, Oldenburg IN; Kirt Adams, Lebanon PA; and Roy Smith, Montpelier IN.
I enjoyed meeting some of the veterans of the 99th when the reunion was held in Charlotte NC. I encouraged all of them to write down their war experiences. I hope some did.
My mother continued to subscribe to the Checkerboard for many years. She died last year. I would like to subscribe to the Checkerboard if you would send me an application.
Bill Hinkle
712 Fort Mill Hwy.
Fort Mill SC 29715
Phone 803-548-2484