• Last modified 5723 days ago (Feb. 21, 2009)
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Sister requests information

Sister requests information

Sister requests information

     I wrote you a few days ago about my brother who was in the Battle of the Bulge. He was with the 99th out of Camp Maxey TX. He was with one of the first units across the bridge. After the battle I don't know exactly where he went in Europe except for a few sketchy hints. I am trying to get more information on his unit, regiment, or whatever I can learn.

     Harry died when I was not even a year old. He was killed in a car wreck in 1948 in Dayton OH. My parents left no information on him and my other brothers don't recall anything.

     This is the information I do have: He was at the Bulge, awarded the Bronze Star with Purple Heart, the Fourragere, the Presidential and Unit Citations. I would like to have a picture of these medals if I could find someone with them.

     He was at a base camp called Lucky Strike, possibly in France or Italy. I would like to know exactly where this camp was located.

     If anyone in the association could give me any information I would be most honored. Our family has an extensive military history starting with Gen. George Washington. Through all the wars my family has stood to defend America. I have four sisters who all married military men, as I did. I think it is wonderful that you have been able to maintain your camaraderie for each other. I personally want to thank all of you for your service to our country.

     Should anyone be able to help with finding my brother's history I truly would be grateful.

Joan Pistick

4026 Sonora Court

Columbia MO 65202

Phone 806-694-3067

