• Last modified 5956 days ago (July 3, 2008)
  • Return to Checkerboard

Sick call: Col. Biggio

Col. Charles Biggio, C/372, has been diagnosed with Lou Gehrig's disease and is bedridden.

Biggio is a frequent contributor to the Checkerboard and gave a presentation at the convention in Washington, D.C., last year, which was well-received. He also has been one of the 99th members who traditionally marched in annual National Memorial Day parades in Washington, D.C.

Arnold Taylor visited Biggio in April. Biggio told him he has had a great life — a good youth, was spared during wartime, rose from private to colonel, been married for 63 years, and has lots of friends.

Cards may be sent to Biggio at 6411 22nd St. N., Arlington VA 22205-1909.
