• Last modified 6804 days ago (March 8, 2006)
  • Return to Checkerboard

Save time and cash

Take a quick peek at the address printed on the back page of this issue of your Checkerboard. If the address is 2006, or earlier, your subscription is due. Send your check to renew ($10 a year) to Checkerboard, PO Box 99, Marion KS 66861. Remember 2006 is now. Why not save yourself some time and trouble by also paying for 2007, then you'll be paid a year in advance.

Also: If your address is NOT correct and you expect to move soon, send that information today so the address will be proper.

When the address on your label is wrong, the UPS charges us 70c and throw your issue away. We then send you an extra copy in a manila envelope. Postage is now higher and it costs about $3 in the end. It is not necessary, it can be avoided.

Your help is always appreciated.

Another suggestion — when you send an item for Taps be certain to give the member's unit, age, address (include state), and the date of death (not "Friday," use a date like Jan. 12, 06).
