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Roundtable discussion schedule announced

The Dr. Harold C. Deutsch World War II Round Table Program schedule includes the following discussions:

— March 9 — "Operation Varsity - Air Drop across the Rhine." Panelists are Doug Bekke, historian, curator of Minnesota Military Museum; Bud Hertig, 50th Troop Carrier Squad, 314th TC Group; Bob Ferguson, 466th Airborne FA Bn.; Ray Coty, rifleman, G Co., 513th PIR; Boyd Daniels, Parachute Maintenance Co.; John Hincliff, Hq. Bn., 3rd Bn., 507th PIR.

Seeking other veterans of the 17th Airborne Division and Air Force.

— April 13 — "Hitler's Final Defeat in the West." Panelists: Lise Pommois, French historian and author of "Winter Storm;" Herman Ratelle, tank commander, B Co., 2th Tank B., 14th Armored Div.; Don Schaetzel, company commander, 42nd Inf. Div.; Mike Colalillo, C Co., 398th Inf. Reg., 100th Inf. Div. (awarded Congressional Medal of Honor).

Seeking other veterans of 42nd, 63rd, 70th, 79th, 100th infantry divisions and 14th Armored Division.

— May 11 — "The Longest Battle - Crossing the Siegfried Line and into the Ruhr." Panelists: Harry Heide, historian and author of "The Longest Battle;" Vern Lindquist, staff of General Bradley; Lovern Nauss, 1st Signal Co., 1st Inf. Div., author of "Trouble Shooting All the Way;" Frank Towers, M Co., 120th Inf., 30th Inf. Div., division historian; Ray Hermanson, Co. I, 415th Inf. Regt., 104th Inf. Div.

Seeking other veterans of 1st, 4th, 8th, 9th, 29th, 30th, 78th, 83rd, 84th, 102nd infantry divisions, 2nd and 3rd armored divisions.

Programs take place at 7 p.m. at Minnesota Historical Society, Fort Snelling History Center on Mississippi River Bluff. Cost is $5. For more information contact Don Patton, 952-941-5700. The webpage address is

The following roundtable discussion schedule is for the World War II Roundtable, Rochester MN.

— March 1 — Earl Jorgenson and Paul Grassle will be the speakers. The topic is "bombardiers."

— April 5 — Ozzie St. George, speaker. "A Yank correspondent in the Pacific," is the topic.

— May 3 — Tom Brinkman and Conway Marvin, speakers. "U.S. Fighter Design and Comparison" is the topic.

— June 7 — Walt Halloran, speaker. Topic: "Photography at D-Day."

All programs begin at 7 p.m. at the Olmsted County Historical Center, Rochester MN.

For more information contact Tom Hosier, 507-280-9970; Tom Brinkman, 507-287-1021; or Mark Ostman, 507-289-5564.
