• Last modified 6252 days ago (Dec. 28, 2007)
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Richardson says 'thanks'

My name is Edward Richardson, better known to some as "Hog Lick." I was in D/393 from December 1942 until Dec. 18, 1944, when I was captured in the Battle of the Bulge.

The main reason I'm writing is about two years ago someone paid my dues for the Checkerboard for two years. I never did find out who was so nice to do that for me.

If you would allow me space in the paper to say thanks to whomever was so nice to do that, whoever did it might read it and know that I do appreciate it.

To all the D/393 members who are still around, I would like to say God bless and thanks for the memories.

I'm enclosing dues for 2008.

Edward "Hog Lick" Richardson D/393

9 Finley Rd.

Winchester KY 40391
