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Read was in Cannon Co.

Read was in Cannon Company

     In the third issue 2001 of the Checkerboard, it was reported on pages 4 and 5 that a dog tag was found for David A. Read, and later his remains were found.

     David H. Read was not a member of Company C, 1st Bn., 395th Inf. He was a radioman and forward observer for Cannon Company, 395th Infantry of which he was a member of the 3rd Platoon. He was observing for Cannon Company with 2nd Lt. Harold Smith (later Captain Smith) our platoon leader.

     David A. Read was the Cannon Company's first KIA — probably about Dec. 16-17, 1944. David volunteered to be a radioman.

     We had started our drive on Dec. 12, 1944, and were giving close support to the 1st Bn. 395th Inf. Our five companies gained a few thousand yards each day until Dec. 16 when all hell broke loose with the start of the German offensive.

     We then started our slow withdrawal back through Krinkelt, staying there outside the crossroads that night (Dec. 20 or 21). Our Cannon Company took up a position about one mile from Camp Elsenborn where we stayed for over a month, holding the Elsenborn Ridge.

     I didn't know David Read personally, only knew him as a member of our platoon. He was tall, over six feet and had blond hair.

     David Read was not our only radioman (observer) to be KIA while calling in fire from our 105m m howitzers.

     I served with Cannon Company from Camp Maxey TX, until August 1945.

Joseph H. Palmer Can/395

5247 Notthingham Est. Dr.

Mehlville MO 63129-1548

