• Last modified 7723 days ago (Dec. 31, 2003)
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President Bob Hawn has long military history

Newly elected president Bob Hawn of G/393 has a long and proud history of being a soldier.

Rated at 100 percent disabled by the Veterans Administration, Bob continues to devote his time and talents to military service, especially the 99th.

Bob was a rifleman in G/393 when he was seriously wounded on April 7, 1944.

An enlisted man during combat, Bob accepted a commission in 1948 and became active in the engineers.

He graduated from the Executive USA Reserve School and the Command and General Staff College.

He retired in 1975 as a full (0-6) colonel.

Since then the Texan has had a career as a civil engineer in highways construction work, mostly on Interstate 50.

He and his wife, Vida, have five children (three daughters and two sons); 12 grandchildren; and one great-grandchild.

They look forward to seeing their old friends, and making new ones, at Biloxi.
