• Last modified 5845 days ago (Feb. 21, 2009)
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Post card recognizes unique 99th version of American Flag years ago

Post card recognizes

unique 99th version

of the American Flag

     When members of Lt. Sam Lombardo's platoon of I/394 realized they had no American Flag; the soldiers set about to remedy that situation.

     The story has been told often.

     The flag is now on display in the collection of the national Infantry Museum at Fort Benning GA.

     The platoon started working on their flag in December, during the Battle of the Bulge. They had it nearly completed to become the first American Flag across the Rhine, at Remagen. Their beloved flag was finished in time to cross the Danube with I/394 of the 99th Infantry Division.

     They worked during breaks in batttle, using candles and GI flashllights. They stitched the flag together from bits and pieces of cloth.

     Lombardo has had post cards made depicting the flag (see attached photo).
