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Poignant story told by 99th widow years ago

Poignant story

Poignant story told by 99th widow

     Kay Loftfield's "viewpoint" story published in the Deming (NM) Headlight is one that will bring a tear to your eye.

     She tells how the meaning of Memorial Day came through to her while sorting some old letters.

     Her husband, Capt. B.F. Loftfield was in the 324 Engineers, 99th Inf. Div., in Europe.

     The letter he wrote on Dec. 14, 1944, their 15th wedding anniversary, was the followed by only sketchy information until she heard from him in May.

     Later, she learned what had happened during those weeks. It was the Battle of the Bulge.

     Her story in the newspaper tells details that she learned later, after he arrived home in August 1945.

     He died May 20, 1987.

     Now she has his letters.

     "We must never forget the sacrifices of those who gave their lives to protect freedom" she wrote. "Put your flag out on Memorial Day.

     Kay Loftfield now lives at 1606 W. Mesad Dr., Payson AZ 85541.
