• Last modified 6456 days ago (June 7, 2007)
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Photos, artifacts available

My father, Stephen T. Chema served in the 393rd Regiment, 99th Infantry Division from 1943 to 1945.

My dad died April 2, 2006. He was proud of his service and his outfit and he belonged to the association.

After my dad died I inherited his papers, medals, and other memorabilia from the war. It is true that people save that which they truly value. My father's treasures included a lot of stuff from his military service. He valued his Combat Infantry Badge, I think, most of all.

If anyone in the association is interested in receiving copies of his many photos (many with names of his buddies), or other artifacts, please contact me.

Stephen P. Chema

131 Thompson Ave.

East Liverpool OH 43920
