• Last modified 7712 days ago (Dec. 31, 2003)
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New member, F/395 years ago

I'm enclosing my check for $40 to cover my dues, plus a new subscription for Jim Roueche, 1415 Seminole Dr., Greensboro NC 27408, and a little extra donation. Jim was in F/395.

We were friends at Camp Maxey and shared a foxhole before the Battle of the Bulge when F Company was on detached service near Lamersdorf, Germany. Jim was wounded early in the battle. He was wounded again on the ill-fated Danube River crossing in which my boat was one of only two that made it across.

Best regards and thanks to you and Bill for your work on behalf of the 99th.

Bob Piller

5023 W. 18th

Lawrence KS 66047
