New member, C/393 years ago
Please put me on your mailing list, as I was assigned to C/393 in January 1945, and was with them until the end of the war (and a few months after) until we were sent back to England.
I was recalled to active duty for the Korean War as band leader of the 199th Army Band, Kingsbridge Armory, Bronx NY. We were assigned to Camp Chaffee AR. In 1952, I was reassigned to the 289th Army Band in Yokohama, Japan, and served with the band until the war ended and we wre sent home in the spring of 1953.
My children want to know how many battle stars I received in Germany. I believe it was three. I have no idea what I may have received for my service during the Korean War in Japan.
If you can advise me of how to find out this information, and perhaps how to obtain these awards, I would appreciate it. I did receive a Purple Heart while I was in the infantry during WWII, and have that but do not have the battle stars for those last months of the war, or anything from the Korean War.
Joe N. Albright
3353 Thornwood Rd.
Sarasota FL 34231