• Last modified 6530 days ago (Dec. 7, 2006)
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New board meeting

July 22, 2006

Doubletree Hotel, Little Rock AR

The meeting of the new board of directors was called to order by president John Vasa.

Those attending included Vasa, Joe Johnson, Bill Meyer, J.R. McIlroy, Bob Hogan, Stan Colby, Jesse Coulter, and Ron Kraemer.

The board discussed continuing the free taco night at the annual convention. It was decided to continue the function if it could be kept below $5,000.

A question was raised about following through on board decisions. Vasa will write to Donald Mehus about ordering the approved four sets of Checkerboard microfilm.

A motion was made by Meyer to allot $2,500 for Diggers' travel expenses for the next convention. The motion was seconded by Johnson, and approved by the board. The $2,500 will be augmented with donations from members.

Appointments included Bob Hogan, legal adviser; Harry Clifton, auditor; Joe Johnson, chaplain; Jesse Coulter and Howard Bowers, sergeants at arms.

Johnson was thanked for his years as chaplain.

The meeting, which began at 1 p.m., was adjourned at 2 p.m.
