• Last modified 5956 days ago (July 3, 2008)
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Nephew searches for Purple Heart confirmation

My uncle, William Delbert Fox, is a veteran of the Bulge and served as a company runner with L/395. On the night of Nov. 15-16, 1944, while sleeping in a room with other runners in Hofen, Germany, Pfc. Fox was wounded by an .88 shell fired in town. Another runner, also his best friend, Pfc. Samual P. Gibney, was killed in the attack. The other six runners in the room were uninjured.

According to George Neill's book, "Infantry Soldier, Holding the Line at the Battle of the Bulge," this was the first fatality in the third battalion and mentions my uncle's wound but refers to him by the nickname of "Foxy." My uncle, reacting to a false rumor at the time, did not accept his Purple Heart. He was given the impression that such awards increased the time you would be in combat.

I am trying to get records that would confirm his eligibility for the Purple Heart so that at his death the words "Purple Heart" can be placed on his VA grave marker, which he of course will be eligible for. Of course he would like the award but we are primarily looking for confirmation of eligibility.

Can you provide any advice or assistance in the endeavor? Fox is a resident of Mayfield KY. I can be contacted at the e-mail address or phone number listed below.

William David Fox, Manager

Connally/Compton Funeral

Directors, #1818

Waco TX

