• Last modified 6651 days ago (Dec. 7, 2006)
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Membership meeting

July 22, 2006

Doubletree Hotel,

Little Rock AR

The meeting was called to order by president John Vasa at 9 a.m.

The sergeants-at-arms advance the colors and the Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

Treasurer J.R. McIlroy presented a treasurer's report, stating the association had $128,300.

Executive director Donna Bernhardt presented the membership report. There are 1,970 current members including 142 widows and 211 associates. There were 53 new members for the year and 75 listed in "Taps."

Bernhardt also gave the report on the San Antonio convention, reporting approximately 598 in attendance and a loss of $14,767. She said the loss was attributed to audio-visual charges, piano rental, wheelchair rentals, stringent fees in the hospitality room, and the free taco night.

A report for the Little Rock convention revealed approximately 380 registrations.

Bill Meyer gave the report on the Checkerboard.

No archives committee report was given, in the absence of chairman Harry McCracken.

McIlroy gave the report for the planning committee. He said the committee recommended continuing with annual conventions until the attendance reaches 50 veterans. This was presented in the form of a motion and was approved by the membership.

He said the committee wishes to continue the association and publishing the Checkerboard as long as possible. However, the membership roster will be published every other year in the Checkerboard, instead of yearly.

A resolution in memory of deceased vice president Vern Swanson was read.

McIlroy gave a nominating committee report. The slate of officers included John Vasa, president; Joe Johnson, vice president; and Herbert Knapp and Ron Kraemer, new board members. The nominations were approved by acclamation.

Stewart Boone gave a Checkerboard chorus report, saying there was a balance of $931.60 in the CD account. Chorus CDs still are available.

Meyer said the 2007 convention would be held in Washington, D.C., at the Hyatt Regency Crystal City, Arlington. Room rates are $99 per night. Dates for the convention are Aug. 31-Sept. 3.

The meeting was adjourned.
