• Last modified 8010 days ago (March 6, 2003)
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Magazine features 99th years ago

Readers might find the January 2003 issue of WWII History magazine of interest as it has a great article by Bill Warnock about the 99th Division Belgian "Diggers" complete with photos. (That article is reprinted elsewhere in this issue of the Checkerboard.)

There also is an article recounting the story of the German paratroopers who jumped behind us when we were in Höfen. However, I did feel compelled to write the magazine's editor as a map with the article showed U.S. lines in Höfen on Dec. 15, but several miles back on Dec. 19. To the best of my knowledge, we were the only unit hit at the start of the Bulge that did not yield a foot of ground to the Krauts.

Thor Ronningen I/395
