• Last modified 5723 days ago (Feb. 21, 2009)
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Letter writers asked to use full address

Letter writers asked

to please use full address

     Those who write to the Checkerboard or online are reminded that they should use a full address.

     Keep in mind that most WWII veterans of the 99th don't have Internet e-mail access.

     If you expect a reply from them, list your USPS mailing address: not just your e-mail address.

     The Checkerboard gets dozens of letters from people who list only an e-mail address. It takes considerable time to contact them, and ask for the postal address. Some respond. Some don't.

     By using full addresses for communicating and by using full addresses (city and state) when submitting items for Taps; it would make the editor and membership manager happy.

     Keep in mind, also, that many people who send items via e-mail are not members of the Association and are not listed on the 99th Roster.

