• Last modified 7345 days ago (Jan. 13, 2005)
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Kenneth Juhl was platoon leader of L/393 years ago

I note the brief mention in "Taps" of the death of Kenneth Juhl L/393. Juhl was a member of the cadre from the 7th Division and the platoon sergeant of the First Platoon, Company L. First Lt. Oliver was the platoon leader. When 1st Lt. Oliver was wounded, Juhl took over the platoon.

The men of Company L were among the first to encounter Müller's Grenadiers. As reported in "Dauntless" (pages 138-141), the First Platoon had enemy forces to the south, east, and north, and were ordered to pull back. Juhl was able to pass the word on to all his squads, except McGarity. McGarity never got the word and was thereafter engaged in intensive battles, during which he distinguished himself and was awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor.

Bob Hogan
