• Last modified 7344 days ago (Jan. 13, 2005)
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Is there a statue at Nuremberg?

I've decided to travel to Belgium in summer 2005, to walk in my dad's footsteps. My dad, Edward J. Stein S/395, died in April 2003, and I'd like to make it kind of my final personal tribute to him and the men and women he served with. I'll be going to each town that the 395th encountered, taking a picture of myself and something in the town with the town's name.

One of the pictures he sent back was taken in or around Nuremberg. He was standing next to a huge statue of a man on a horse. The title on the back of the picture reads "Edward next to the statue of General von Hindenberg." I'd like to travel to that statue and get my picture taken, then kind of blend the pictures together with today's technology to come up with a special pictorial image of the two of us together at that time and place.

Problem: I've done all the web research I can think of and can't find even one mention of that statue. I don't even know if it really is in Nuremberg. It's with a bunch of pictures taken in that area, but there's no telling. Can anyone in the Checkerboard audience help me locate where this statue may be?

I intend to make my first 99th reunion in summer of 2005 as well.

Ed Stein
