• Last modified 7058 days ago (Oct. 27, 2005)
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In the news

Denis Huston, L/394, was part of an essay in the August 2005, issue of Smithsonian Magazine. The essay was a collection from readers who shared their memories of the end of World War II. Not only were Huston's recollections included, there was a colored picture of the Checkerboard patch.

Charles Katlic, F/394, of Poolville TX, has been in the news frequently. A photo in the May 29 issue of the Weatherford Democrat shows Katlic putting flags on veterans' graves while second graders listened to stories of the war and learned the importance of honoring veterans. In that same issue, Katlic's diary recounts the week-long march to the Remagen Bridge.

Katlic also was featured in a three-part series called "Remagen Remembered" in the Star-Telegram.
