• Last modified 7331 days ago (Jan. 13, 2005)
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Grant Yager recovers from heart operation

Grant Yager, former section sergeant in the ammo train of 924th FA who was captured along with 55 others from Service Battery when they put up a valiant fight Dec. 17, 1944, at Bullingen, Belgium, is "out of the woods again."

This time, Grant is recovering from heart surgery. He had a heart valve replaced Sept. 8.

This is the second time in 31 years that Grant and Helen have missed an annual convention, both times due to his heart.

Always ready to serve 99th friends, Grant reminds that ex-POWs (and others) may not be aware they may be entitled to VA compensation.

"You have to apply for it," he reminds members.

Ex-POWs should go to a service officer representing former prisoners, and other veterans should visit the service office of one of the veterans organizations.

If you have problems that relate to WWII combat service, you probably are entitled to disability compensation ranging from 10 to 100 percent.

To contact Grant, write to 440 Stoney Creek Dr., Sandusky MI 48471-1043, call 810-648-3721, or e-mail
