• Last modified 8023 days ago (March 6, 2003)
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General membership meeting

Saturday, July 20, 9:15 a.m.

Hilton Hotel, Pittsburgh PA

The general membership meeting of the 99th Infantry Division Association Inc. was called to order at 9:15 a.m. July 20 by President Walt Schroeder.

Treasurer J.R. McIlroy gave a treasurer's report, stating the association had $169,000 or "about the same as last year."

Minutes of the board meeting were read by Bill Meyer.

Meyer also reported on the 2003 convention, scheduled for July 1-5, 2003, at Norfolk VA. Room rates will be $82 at the Waterside Marriott Hotel. He added that planners will attempt to make it a three-day convention.

As chairman of the site selection committee, Meyer said they had recommended Biloxi MS, as the site of the 2004 convention.

He discussed the Diggers' Fund, asking that the remaining balance be left for travel expenses next year.

Convention chairman Harry McCracken thanked everyone for coming to Pittsburgh. He explained about the mix-up of the dedication ceremony at 99th RSC Hq.

Bob Hogan asked the group to recognize retiring auditor Jim Fennie. He read a resolution (printed elsewhere in this issue) accepting Fennie's resignation. Fennie received a standing ovation from the membership. He thanked them, adding he was happy to have served.

B.O. Wilkins gave the nominating committee report. The following slate of officers were approved by acclamation:

Harry McCracken, president; Bob Hawn, vice president; Walt Schroeder, past president; Donna Bernhardt, secretary; J.R. McIlroy, treasurer; Joe Johnson, chaplain; Bob Hogan, legal adviser; Del Stumpff, sergeant-at-arms; Andy Askew and Walt Gregonis, directors until 2005; B.O. Wilkins and Wayne Cleveland, directors until 2004; and Vern Swanson and Glenn Bronson, directors until 2003.

Harry Crossey and Grant Yager were recognized as retiring directors.

Stewart Boone gave a report on Checkerboard Chorus CD sales. The group had sold 81 CDs for a total of $901 at the convention. They had received a $2,500 advance from the general fund and needed $647 in additional sales to break even and return the advance to the fund.

It was suggested that CDs be available through the 99th website. Information about the availability of the Dauntless film shown at Soldiers & Sailors Memorial Hall during the week will be included in the next Checkerboard.

The colors were retired and meeting was adjourned.
