• Last modified 5831 days ago (Feb. 21, 2009)
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Frank Krawczyk, Q/394 years ago

New member, Q/394

     I saw your reunion message for the 99th in the DAV Magazine. I was surprised that there were any of us left. I was only an 18-year-old kid at that time. Now I am 75 and no longer mobile.

     It just sounds good to hear that there are some of us left. Nobody wants to hear about our exploits today. Thank God I have a granddaughter who cares. She has all my medals and old uniform.

     I was with the 99th at Camp Maxey TX. We shipped out of Providence RI in September 1943, on the USS Excelsior and landed in Liverpool then went to Bridgeport, England. From there we shipped out to LeHavre, France and motorcaded to the Schnee Eifel in Belgium.

     I was with Headquarters Company, 394th Regiment dug-in at Losheim, Germany. We were hit at 5:30 a.m. Dec. 16. Three hours later I was hit by machine gun fire and evacuated to Malmedy. I was patched up and sent back. I was with my company all the way to Remagen. We crossed the bridge over the Rhine.

     On March 14, 1945, while in attack at Bad Honningen I was ambushed by a German patrol. I was badly wounded and hauled off as a prisoner.

     On March 30, while being transported in a German column we were strafed by U.S. planes. I was able to escape and returned to American control.

     The war was over for me. I spent the next year in a military hospital while they put me back together.

     I received three back issues of the Checkerboard and they opened up a whole new world for me. I have made contact with other members and received more information. I got the map from Grant Yager and sent out letters to long-lost buddies. I am waiting for replies.

     No matter how hard I try I cannot find Harry Stonerock, Hq. 394th, 1st Bn. We were together at Camp Maxey. We both were captured at Honningen. He and another soldier supported me down the mountain as I was shot up pretty bad. I was lucky and escaped 16 days later. I am curious to know if he made it. He was from Ohio.

     Also I would like to find a Staff Sgt. Gustav Sanders from the same company. He and I were wounded and evacuated the same morning. We were at Losheimergraben. He was from Georgia.

     For 55 years I have tried to find these men. If you can give me any tips, I would appreciate it.

     I have joined the association and read "Infantry Soldier." I couldn't have told it any better myself.

Frank Krawczyk

26026 Templar Lane

Punta Gorda FL 33983
