Explanation offered on association administration
The critical tone of the letter of Charles Konkler 3/MED suggests a lack of understanding of the administration of the 99th Infantry Division Association, and calls for an explanation of the points raised by Konkler.
The payment ($10) is the annual membership dues of the Association, including the Checkerboard. Although the Checkerboard is the principal expense of our organization, there are other expenses, as described in the audit report appearing in the same fifth edition. The dues would be insufficient to maintain the Association if it were not for the receipt of income from other sources.
Most professional and fraternal organizations send statements out in advance of the calendar year, or fiscal year, as may be the case. The statements of the Checkerboard go out in the latter part of November or early December. However, no member is dropped from the mailing list unless he has failed to pay by Jan. 31.
With only one meeting each year, it has to be held at a time and place which will be attractive and of interest to the membership, namely, the annual convention. Without a report on the convention, including the minutes of the meeting of the membership and the board of directors, the members would have no other source of information as to the activities of our organization. The same may be said of the publication of a proposed amendment to the bylaws, which is mandated by our bylaws.
I believe, and this belief is supported by the praise and admiration of other Army divisions, that we have the best publication of any Army division, if not the best of any other military organization.
I also am confident that Comrade Konkler will have a memorable year, and will continue to think of the Checkerboard as "the best" after he has read the fifth edition and the articles on the "Bugle Boy," "Training of the 99th," and "Camp Van Dorn."
Bob Hogan 3/393
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