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Experiences shared in 'Theaters of War'

Experiences shared

in 'Theaters of War'

     "Theaters of War: We Remember,"
by Wendy Lazar, owner and president of Glendale Industries, was written to preserve veterans' personal accounts as a tribute to their indomitable spirit, strong resilience, exceptional commitment, and willing sacrifices.

     Sixteen million men and women served in our nation's armed forces during World War II. They fought in the service of our country united in a common cause. They left their families, uprooted their lives, endured endless hardships over months and years, gave all they had to give and still found the strength to give more, and saw the best and worst of human natures. Some of their stories are recounted within these pages.

     The reality of this war depended on where a soldier was stationed, when he served his time, and which branch of service he was in. Those in the infantry came fact to face with the enemy; those in the Air Force did not. In the Pacific theater, there were palm trees and oppressive heat; in Europe, hedgerows and unbearable cold. Some served in forested mountain passes; others, on open ships in turbulent seas. Some suffered from jungle rot and malaria; for others, it was frostbite and dysentery. Food for most was canned C-rations, while some were forced to turn to cannibalism for survival. It was a horrific experience to be the target of enemy fire; it was far, far worse to be attacked by "friendly" fire from U.S. military personnel and equipment. One man's hell would be another's version of paradise; while paradise for another would be an end to the unbearable pain and suffering.

     Proceeds from this book will be donated to The National World War II Memorial in Washington, D.C. The American Battle Monuments Commission, which is responsible for the design and creation of the Memorial, has endorsed the project from its inception. Former Senator Bob Dole, National Chairman of The Memorial, has written an introduction for the book.

     "Theaters of War"
includes the stories of four or five members of the 99th, along with more than 100 others. There are 350 pages of experiences. The book is available for $19.95 plus $4 shipping for the first book, ($1.50 for each additional book) from Glendale, 192 Paris Ave., Northvale NJ 07647-2016. Fax orders to 800-555-9269. Credit card phone orders: 800-653-5515. Internet orders: www.
