• Last modified 8036 days ago (March 6, 2003)
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Ewing Fidler comes home after 59 years years ago

I want to thank you for the lovely wreath of flowers that the association displayed at the graveside service for my brother, Ewing E. Fidler E/394, which was held June 8, at the Rosedale Cemetery in Ada OK

Ewing was one of the six MIAs whose remains were recovered last year by the Diggers, but his were the first to be returned to their next of kin for final disposition. A full military service with honors was conducted by U.S. Army personnel stationed at Ft. Sill OK.

The 99th Infantry Division veterans attending the service were Byron Whitmarsh C/395 of Richardson TX, Walter Kellogg E/394 of Dallas TX, Jack Prickett L/393 of Plano TX, George Lehr F/393 of Fort Worth TX, and Bill Hoipkemier E/395 of Sand Springs OK.

It was a joyous occasion for the many family members, friends, 99th Division veterans, and local citizens who gathered to welcome Ewing's return home after 59 years.

Charles E. Fidler

702 Green Apple Dr.

Garland TX 75044-2564
