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Early call from Philadelphia committee

An early call from Philadelphia

An early call from Philadelphia committee

     In 2000, the 99th Infantry Division Association will hold its 51st annual reunion July 18-23, in Philadelphia, at the Adams Mark Hotel.

     The responsibility for making this reunion a success falls on the shoulders of Edward Jackson chairman, and Elwood Hill and Mike Strollo, co-chairmen. They cannot do it alone. They need everyone's help.

     Therefore if you are a member of the 99th Association or served with the 99th Infantry Division during World War II but never joined the association or attended any of the reunions, and you live in Philadelphia or surrounding areas of Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware, etc., they would like to meet with you.

     They need everyone's input to plan a successful reunion. They also welcome wives, sweethearts, family members, and friends who are willing to serve on committees.

     If interested please contact one of the following:

      — Edward Jackson, 8053 Erdrick St., Philadelphia PA 19136, phone 215-333-2463.

      — Elwood Hill, 44 Brookside Rd., Erdenheim PA 19038, phone 215-233-2065.

      — Mike Strollo, 1153 Bloomdale Rd., Philadelphia PA 19115.
