• Last modified 5845 days ago (Feb. 20, 2009)
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E-mail becomes prime source of communication

E-mail becomes

prime source

of communication

     The world changes and we must adapt. It has become evident that the most common form of communication with the Checkerboard has become the Internet.

     The subscription roster has received more new names from e-mail than from any other source.

     People "surf the net" looking for the 99th and when they find us are delighted. They send an e-mail and ask for information. Unfortunately, most of them fail to give their postal address.

When writing to the Checkerboard via e-mail, be certain to include your postal mailing address. It is impossible to send material (such as back issues) via e-mail.

     New e-mail subscribers should realize that most of the 99th membership does not have e-mail capability. If you write a letter to be published, be sure to include your postal address, because most of the members can not reply by e-mail.

     Since e-mail has become such an important factor, your Ol' Editor has managed to get another "domain" registration that may be a bit easier to use for both viewing the online edition and sending messages to the editor or membership manager.

     To see the online edition:

     To send a message:
