• Last modified 6470 days ago (June 7, 2007)
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Don't rewrite history

To the Editor:

Changing history and how I hate it and how it is being done. To those who attend the reunion in Washington, D.C., and visit the WWII Memorial — take note. On each side of the mall make sure you view the two large monuments, one to the Atlantic and the other to the Pacific.

I refer to the Pacific monument on which is inscribed the speech FDR made on radio after Pearl Harbor. I listened to his speech in 1941, and have heard it replayed on TV many times.

Our judges making their own laws have made it necessary for the last four words of the speech to be omitted. FDR finished the speech by saying, "we will win this war SO HELP US GOD" and the last four words do not appear.

Only a very few in our country do not believe there is a God. The balance of the people, regardless of their religion, believe in some sort of god. So why change history by eliminating those four words? What FDR said is history and should be stated as such.

I have a slogan on my desk that reads "the past actually happened, history is what someone wrote." So in this case, history is being rewritten.

If health permits and you are able to make the reunion, take time to note the two monuments of which I speak and I hope you will agree with me in my thoughts.

Grant Yager S/924

440 Stoney Creek Dr.

Sandusky MI 48471-1043
