• Last modified 6912 days ago (March 8, 2006)
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Does anyone know about Remagen organization?

The following is kind of a weird story. In a previous issue as I remember it, you had printed my story of being one of four vets who spoke before a large audience at Regis University in Denver CO, about our experiences at the Remagen Bridgehead.

These talks were being filmed and documented by an acquaintance of mine, Phil Stinemate, who makes documentaries. One of the women in the audience was talking to a friend in a store in Phoenix AZ, and a gentleman nearby overheard this woman say something about the Remagen Bridge and probably mentioned Phil Stinemate.

Unbelievably, Patrick Marks who overheard the conversation in Phoenix, located Stinemate here to ask about the Remagen Bridge. Phil comes every year and films our annual luncheon of the Remagen Bridge Society in March.

The entire reason for Marks' call was that his father was an artillery officer in the 2nd Division in World War II. When he was a boy his dad showed him proudly a framed certificate saying he was a member of a group called the Remagen Veterans or something similar. His dad told him that this group had 1,000 members.

His dad's certificate had gotten lost over the years and he was calling me hoping to get a copy of this 1,000-member organization. My question is: has anyone else heard of such a group with the name "Remagen" attached and with so many members?

Al Nelson I/393

2651 B West 106th Loop

Westminster CO 80234
