Dentist was comedian
Dentist was a comedian
Doctor Tobias' story about dentists at Camp Maxey brought back a memory. Praise the Lord, I wasn't in the program he described. My story is a little different.
Just before we shipped out we were given POE physicals, including teeth. Somehow I jumped from 4.0 to 2E in six months. I was sent to the dental section, where it was determined that a lot of work needed to be done, and there wasn't a lot of time to do it. The upshot was two consecutive eight-hour sessions with a dentist named Lt. Penner.
Lt. Penner told me that he was a nephew of the vaudeville comic, Joe (wanna buy a duck?) Penner. I guess he thought the Penner genes included a strain of comic genius. Anyhow, he regaled me with 16 hours of one liners. I was not in a position to retaliate (he being a lieutenant, and me a Pfc.); and, he had me laid back with my mouth propped open. Only some of the groans were caused by his drilling.
So Doc Penner, if you are still around, I remember you vividly if not fondly!
Earle L. Slyder F/395
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