• Last modified 7569 days ago (May 20, 2004)
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Dauntless available through inter-library loan

I note with interest the number of young people who write to the Checkerboard asking if anyone knew their relative, who was a 99th soldier.

They have an understandable urge to know what the experiences of their uncle or grandfather might have been. The best answer would be to refer these inquirers to the outstanding book "Dauntless, A History of the 99th Infantry Division." Local librarians can locate this book through inter-library loan.

I have 25 copies of my 77-page memoir, "Memories of WWII with F/393." This account is probably representative of the experiences of most members of our division. It is available for $15 postage paid.

Ernest McDaniel

4251 Black Forest Lane

West Lafayette IN 47906
