• Last modified 6234 days ago (Dec. 28, 2007)
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Clearing up a few 'housekeeping' items

It's the end of the year and I thought it would be a good time to clear up a few "housekeeping" details that come up periodically.

Several members took notice of the "pay dues now" reminder in the second issue 2007, which was published a few weeks ago and sent in checks for dues for 2008.

In the meantime, labels were printed for the dues notices which typically are sent this time of year. If you paid your dues after the second issue and still get a dues reminder card, please disregard. The two items crossed in the mail.

Members also are reminded to be patient when sending in checks. There is a huge deluge of mail this time of year and it takes me some time to get all the checks processed and deposited. (It's a one-woman show.)

Also in the second issue, there was a call for stories for future issues of the Checkerboard. I received a few things, for which I am grateful. I also received a few reprimands from members who had sent things in that did not get published right away. Again, I'm begging for your patience. I try to use everything that is sent, but sometimes space prohibits the use of a particular story until there is enough room.

I also will remind those who send in clippings from other newspapers, there are copyright issues that do not allow us to run the stories in the Checkerboard. The Washington Post, for example, has a reprint fee that runs into several hundreds of dollars for permission to reprint their articles in other newspapers.

When sending information for the "Taps" column, please include as much information as possible — the decedent's full name, date of death, age, address, occupation, survivors.

Send in your suggestions for future convention sites. So far, I've had a couple responses in favor of St. Louis MO. If you have other ideas, please let me know.

Send your dues, stories, Taps submissions, convention ideas, and any other ideas, suggestions, or complaints to Donna Bernhardt, 99th Infantry Division Association, PO Box 99, Marion KS 66861.
