• Last modified 6651 days ago (Dec. 7, 2006)
  • Return to Checkerboard

Checkerboard will continue

Dear Friends:

I have received many phone calls and I am sure many of you are wondering "what will happen to the Checkerboard" now that Bill is gone.

Rest assured, the Checkerboard will continue. Until a formal appointment by the board of directors can be made, I plan to continue publishing the Checkerboard as scheduled.

Bill was not in the best of health since his sudden cardiac arrest five years ago. Since that time, I have performed the majority of the legwork of publishing the Checkerboard.

Bill guided me, looked over my shoulder, and offered advice. Because of his patient tutelage, I feel confident that I can continue publishing the Checkerboard, as he would have wanted.

It is my fervent wish that I am able to continue the legacy and tradition that Bill Meyer set forth as editor of the Checkerboard.

— Donna Bernhardt
