• Last modified 5809 days ago (Feb. 21, 2009)
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Checkerboard Celebrities

I/393 Celebrities

Checkerboard Celebrities

     Former president Al Nelson, I/393, writes to state that 99'er Bob Maurer, I/393, was not only a celebrity, but "was recognized as the greatest inventor in the United States." He invented fiber optic cable, while with Corning Glass Co. It now benefits the world.

     Preston Lebreton, Ph.D., also a survivor of combat in I/393, was appointed dean emeritus of the Graduate School of Business at the University of Washington. Al recalls how Lebreton won the company's first Bronze Star Medal by crawling through a mine field, in the snow, and singlehandedly flushed out a German pillbox on Dec. 15, 1944.

     Al points out that Tim Babcock, E/394, was governor of Montana. Formerly active in the 99th Association, and participant on a Battlefield Tour, Tim is no longer on the mailing list. Can someone supply his address to the Ol' Editor?

     One of the few members of the 99th to have served in Congress is John Rarick, C/393. John is active in the association.

     If you know of others, share that information with the editor.
