• Last modified 7712 days ago (Dec. 31, 2003)
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Bus fare to Centreville is five cents

The transportation problem to and from Camp Van Dorn was eased considerably this week when two buses were placed on a regular run between Centreville and the reservation. When other buses owned by the line are available more trips will be made.

The fare on the bus is five cents as compared to 25 cents on the fleet of independently owned taxi cabs. The trip to and from camp takes only five minutes by bus.

Negotiations are also being made to get two trailer type buses that are owned by the United States Engineers Office at McComb. These buses can transport at least 50 soldiers at a time.

Col. Robert E. Gutherie, Camp Commander, is doing all he can to provide adequate transportation to and from the reservation, his office explained. He has been handicapped by the fact that new buses can not be bought and all other equipment is taxed to a maximum and thus no old coaches are for sale.

The same bus line that is serving the camp has also put into service three round trip schedules to Baton Route and additional coaches on week-ends.
