• Last modified 5831 days ago (Feb. 21, 2009)
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Brother's remains recovered

Brother's remains recovered

     My only brother, Ewing E. Fidler, was KIA Dec. 16, 1944, near Weisserstein, Belgium, during the Battle of the Bulge. He served with E/394.

     It was not until a month ago, however, that his remains were discovered and recovered from the battlefield site. I have since learned this was accomplished entirely through the efforts of the 99th Infantry Division Associaton. I was unaware of the association's existence and role until a week ago, when I was informed of same by the Department of the Army.

     I understand I am eligible for an associate membership in the association. If so, I would like to apply. I have enclosed a check.

Charles E. Fidler

702 Green Apple Dr.

Garland TX 75044-2564
