Bob Gabriel unearths letter to parents
Robert Gabriel, A/394, was captured Dec. 16, 1944, at Honsfeld. This letter was sent to his parents May 3, 1945, shortly after he was liberated from POW camp.
Dear Folks,
I'm free as a bird now. Boy it is wonderful. I am eating again. I hope that everyone at home is OK and that you didn't worry too much. I'm not allowed to say anything about the when, where, how, or other particulars of my liberation so the details will have to wait till I get home.
I'm also about 11 days late in saying this but "Happy Birthday, Dad."
The prevalent rumor is that we will be flown all or part of the way home. I certainly hope so. The sooner I leave this damn country the better.
I don't know how long it will be before I get home, but fix it up so that Dad can take his vacation whenever I get a furlough.
I've got no return address so you won't be able to answer this. However, I'll write as often as I can. As soon as I get an address I'll let you know.
Oh yes, did you buy that farm yet or are you waiting on me to help pick it out? There really isn't much I can think of to write since I don't know what is going on at home and can't say what is going on here.
Don't worry about me now. I'm OK. Nothing that plenty of good food won't fix up. I've got plenty of room for weight. I only weigh 167 pounds.
Dad, drop into Bob Smith's or Iver Johnson's and see if they have any Winchester .75s for sale. If they have, pick it up for me please.
I'll write again soon.