• Last modified 6614 days ago (Dec. 7, 2006)
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Bill Meyer resolution

99th Infantry Division Association Incorporated

Board of Directors


WHEREAS, Bill Meyer, a longtime member of the 99th Infantry Division Association ("Association") and one of its leaders died on Nov. 14, 2006; and

WHEREAS, Bill served the Association in many offices, as editor of the Checkerboard; President of the Association; member of the Site Committee; member of the Executive Committee; Board of Directors; Planning Committee; and was a lifetime member; and

WHEREAS, the Association has suffered irreparable loss of one of its prominent leaders;

NOW, THEREFORE, the Board of Directors has, on this date, adopted the foregoing resolution:

The Board of Directors, in recognition of Bill Meyer's service and outstanding contributions to the success of the Association does hereby express its sympathy to Joan Meyer, Bill's wife, and to his family and the appreciation of the Association for the many years of service and accomplishments of Bill for the benefit of the Association;

That a copy of this framed resolution be presented to Joan Meyer; that a copy be published in the next issue of the Checkerboard.

John Vasa,


Attest: Donna Bernhardt,

Executive Director

Dated: December 4, 2006
