• Last modified 7338 days ago (June 23, 2004)
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Biggio presents Memorial Day report

I want to report on the Memorial Day Parade in Washington, D.C. Arnold Taylor did a good job of getting five of us 99'ers together and making arrangements for our participation in the parade.

There were five of us from the 99th. Four marched, while one (James Strawder) rode in our backup car.

In the assembly area near the Smithsonian Castle we were interviewed by a Washington Post reporter. His report was in the next day's paper in which he mentions three of our group.

I was not at all sure my bad foot would hold up for so long a walk — but I made it.

The turnout by the public was a bit disappointing, but can be explained by the fact that the weathermen were predicting showers — and that probably kept many people home who would have come.

Also disappointing was the lack of TV coverage of the parade. I guess that can be explained by the fact there were no VIPs in the reviewing stand which might have attracted the cameras.

Carlos Biggio
