• Last modified 7710 days ago (Dec. 31, 2003)
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Battery B where are you?

John Stanfield of Peachtree City GA, asks a rhetorical question, "What happened to the boys of Battery B?"

John has compiled a book and is attempting to track down veterans of B Btry, 371st FA Bn.

He lists the names, in alphabetical order, of the Schweinfurt roster of B/371.

He has the addresses and information on some, but the vast majority of veterans of that outfit are not listed. He would like to know more about them, what they've done, and where they are located.

John has a pair of Dutch wooden shoes signed by about 40 men, but the ink has faded.

He includes a photo of the battery in his book, with names listed, and he includes a list of men in alphabetical order. Much information is missing.

If you can help, contact John Stanfield, 107 Crown Court, Peachtree City GA 30269.
