• Last modified 5813 days ago (Feb. 21, 2009)
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Archives still active

Keep sending Archives donations to Harry

     I was appointed Archives Chairman at the Philadelphia Convention and will function in that capacity for the immediate future. However, it is very important that anyone wishing to contribute anything to Archives or the War Room should send the items to Harry McCracken, as in the past. There is no practical or realistic way to have items sent to me in California and then have them sent on to Pittsburgh.

     Harry and I have discussed some possibilities to upgrade the War Room and hopefully this can be accomplished by the next reunion. We hope to add a wider selection of items and even possibly change some of the material so that it will be somewhat new at each meeting. Items for Archives are certainly welcome, and every effort will be made to see that items are preserved and/or displayed for the benefit of everyone. Just send them to Harry at 314 Mount Manor Rd., Manor PA 15665.

Ron Kraemer

Archives Chairman
