• Last modified 6265 days ago (Dec. 28, 2007)
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Archives committee update

Since I missed the membership meeting at the Washington, D.C., convention and did not give a report, I will try to update the news of the archives committee.

Major Bruce Kish, 99th RSC, has replaced Dr. Patrick Hughes as historian.

Since the 99th RSC will be moving to Fort Dix NJ, someday, the artifacts from Pittsburgh have been moved to a base in Johnstown PA, to be moved later to Fort Dix. The items have been placed in protective storage.

I met with the Association of the 99th in Pittsburgh PA, recently. There is a discussion about monuments. Since 99th Headquarters are moving, there will be a different unit there. So there is a difference of opinion about the statue being there.

It's possible a different type of monument may be placed there. There also was talk of placing a 99th monument at Fort Benning. Several 99'ers contacted me about this and I believe it may have been discussed several years ago at a membership meeting. There has been talk of placing a monument at Fort Dix, as well. It was suggested the 99th statue be placed at Soldiers & Sailors Memorial Hall at Pittsburgh.

I am still receiving items which will go to the 99th RSC or Soldiers & Sailors Memorial Hall. Written documents go to the War College at Carlisle Barracks PA.

Harry McCracken

Archives committee chairman
