• Last modified 6616 days ago (Dec. 7, 2006)
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99th records available to Checkerboard veterans years ago

Official morning reports and after action reports are open to the public, but most veterans don't have the opportunity to read them in Washington, D.C.

A fellow WWII veteran (84th ID) has copied information at the National Archives for combat veterans, like himself and 99th survivors. He offers it in bound form (100 pages) free of charge except for mailing and handling costs. He also has many Signal Corps photos.

Contact Bernard J. Cohn, PO Box 1798, Glen Burniel MD 21060 or call him at 410-484-7110.

The 84th went to England in September 1944, then crossed the English Channel on Nov. 1, 1944. Bernard was a rifleman in G/335. He will take personal checks but can't handle plastic.
