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395th is active again years ago

395th is active again

     Bill Huffman shares the program and full details of the 395th Regiment re-activation ceremony held April 26 at Fort Hood TX.

     It was an impressive ceremony with festive dinner served.

     World War II veterans and their wives who were especially honored were:

     Bill and Mary Huffman, Conroe TX. Bill was in I/395 after having been in the ASTP.

     Stewart and Myra Fischer of San Antonio TX. He also was in ASTP before being assigned to K/395.

     William Kolodzie of New Braunfels TX, who served as a squad leader in B/395.

     John and Merlene Smith of Tredell TX. He was one of the original cadre of the 99th and spent most of the war as a combat engineer.

     Byron and Elsie Whitmarsh of Richardson TX. Whit also was in ASTP before coming to C/395 of the 99th.

     The guest speaker at the ceremony was Major General Perry Dalby who was commissioned through ROTC and had been an Army pilot. He earned the Distinguished Flying Cross with two oak leaf clusters, Purple Heart, 21 awards of the Air Medal, Legion of Merit, Meritorious Service Medal with two oak leaf clusters, and the Army Achievement Medal.

     He is a graduate of the Command and General Staff College, the War College, and Ranger School. He holds both bachelor's and master's degrees. He and his wife, Barbara, reside at Belton TX.

     Bill Huffman wrote, "It would be difficult to describe the warm hospitality and respect extended to all of us by the Fort Hood personnel."

     A poignant moment was when Bill added cognac to the punch bowl to commemorate the valiant stand made by the 395th in World War II.



     Officers and non-coms of 3rd Bn. (TS) 395th Regiment with World War II 395 99th veterans (mid-back row) Fischer, Huffman, and Whitmarsh.
