• Last modified 5635 days ago (Feb. 21, 2009)
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2 Lt. Marion McQuarry's son, grandson search for details about 394th years ago

Son and grandson search

Son and grandson search

for details about 394th

     My name is John H. Skiles. My grandfather was 2 Lt. Marion McQuarry, D/394. He was killed Dec. 16, 1944.

     My father and I recently visited his grave at Henri-Chapelle, and we walked the ground around Losheimergraben where the 1st Battalion fought.

     Much to our regret we are belatedly trying to research the events surrounding the 394th and the opening of the Bulge offensive. Is it possible for us to join the association or is that a privilege reserved for veterans only?

     Do you know the whereabouts of Lt. Vacha of the same unit who apparently was the reference in a book by Cavanagh describing the death of my grandfather?

John Skiles

5330 Houndmaster Rd.

Midlothian VA 23112

